Our life has been in constant change for the last couple of weeks, but it's all been good. Cade has started his new job at Trader's Point as Director of Member Involvement and he's really enjoying the people he's getting to meet and the other ministers and staff. God really has a plan and it's always good to listen and follow Him in His timing. We truly are blessed. I am currently still in the midst of working with a few other friends to get MOPS going at TPCC in the fall. We are making great progress but are still in prayer for the right leaders to come forward to serve on the team. We are confident God will provide the women we need and funds we don't have! All the changes have been exciting and overall good for us as a family.
Brooklyn is just a piece of work. She's really understanding a lot more and speaking more clearly, which helps me get through the day...she can be fun to have a conversation with actually! However, as Camden becomes more active and fun to be around, Brooklyn realizes that the attention focused on her has been cut in half and she has become quite clingy...which can be a little much on my nerves. My mom came down last week and we tried potty training with Brooklyn again. We also quit again as we realized she's really not ready and became the devil child over a matter of hours. We wanted our old Brooklyn back and are willing to take diapers with her!
Camden is a ham. He's such a laid-back kid and just goes with the flow. He smiles, eats, and poops! He constantly wants to be in the know, which has not been good with naptime because he doesn't want to miss a thing! Today I cut his hair for the first time. I used the clippers and it ended up a lot shorter than I had intended, but he's still a cutie. He did sit still for the most part, but he kept trying to turn his head because he wanted to see what the noise was.
Our Easter holiday went well and it was great to see friends and family...oh, and watch basketball. I mean, what's Easter without basketball...I don't remember seeing that anywhere in the Bible, but I'm sure Jesus has a bracket too (but I doubt he gets in a pool...anyway, it would be cheating since he already should know who will win!). Brooklyn has learned a lot about the Resurrection from CBS and Sunday school over the past couple of weeks. She told me today that Jesus is alive and lives in her heart...so precious. Well, I'm posting some pics and hope to post more in the next couple of days. Take care to all!
*Pics are of Brooklyn & Camden and Annabelle, GoGo, and Brooklyn making cookies for Easter!