I can't believe Camden will be 1 in two days. This past year has gone so quickly. Part of that I'm grateful for, but I also feel like where did that time go and how has he grown so quickly? I try not to compare, but I feel like I had so much more one-on-one time with Brooklyn to read, build blocks, etc...and I wonder if I shorted him of those same opportunities. However, I know he has experienced different things she never did. I try to convince myself that every family with multiple children goes through this, and all children grow up experiencing life differently based on birth order, but it's a different feeling as a mother than as a child. Anyway, I'd love to brag on him for a moment and let you know what he's been up to! Well, like any boy I'm sure, he's totally all over the place. He's very active and climbing and walking along anything he can hold onto. He laughs and smiles a lot, although having a shy, flirtateous side to him as well. I know he's our kid, but I just think he absolutely beautiful and wouldn't change a thing about him! The thing I have been most excited about is the relationship I see developing between Brooklyn and Camden. To see her be so protective (and of course those other "big sister moments" too) and for him to watch her every move is so intriguing. I know God gave me Brooklyn first for a reason, and I love growing her heart to love others so that Camden and any other siblings that may follow can have a role model that loves Jesus. I am so grateful for both of our children, and I'm so excited to see them grow together in friendship and love.