Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Gotta Love 'Em

I love being a mom. I can't imagine missing the opportunity to witness what I did yesterday. After naptime, we were playing upstairs in the bonus room. We were playing with little toy where you press the buttons and the characters pop up and then you push them back down, only to do it over and over again. Well, I had gotten it out to start Camden trying to push them down and of course Brooklyn scooted herself right in there to show her little brother it was a toy she had already mastered! Anyway, so I asked Brooklyn to pop the characters up so Camden could try to push them down. I turned away just for a second and next thing I know, Brooklyn had taken Camden's hand and she was helping him open them. Once they got one open, I watched her clap for him and she looked right at him and said, "Good job!" I was so touched at how she knew he was only learning and it would be such an accomplishment for him. She proceded to play with him and grabbed his hands yet again to do Pat-A-Cake with him.
The little things like this make me so grateful that I am able to stay home with our children. These are precious moments that I can never get back. I wish I had a camera recording at all times so Cade, grandparents, etc...didn't have to miss these little things. Witnessing our children show compassion towards one another is so rewarding...I am confident their hearts are growing towards God. I love the responsibility I have in helping shape their hearts and minds and I delight in their learning even when it's hard (well, if I was being honest, I delight in it most of the time!).
Well, we're venturing into attempting to potty train Brooklyn, so we'll see where this takes me and how much I delight in cleaning up wet carpet and smelly clothes! We tried awhile ago and boy, it was a crazy 3 hours! Really, that was all I could handle. But, today we're starting again and hoping to last at least 3 days and hopefully she'll get it. If not, it's okay...we'll try again later!

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