Monday, January 28, 2008

Making Great Strides!

Well, over the last couple of weeks it seems like both the kids have been making great strides. Brooklyn continues to use new words and's hilarious! She's very good at saying "please" and "thank you" and says to Camden, "Dude, chill out!" Camden finally figured out how to eat Cheerios and crackers (he could always pick them up and put them in his mouth, he just could never figure out the chewing and swallowing!). Now he's moving onto bigger and better things like trying to walk. He is a serious madman in his walker and can get around anywhere, and we've been letting him try to walk with the push-toy and he's doing pretty well. The kid seems to have no interest in crawling, but I still make him try. Oh, and Camden also finally got his first two teeth (on bottom) last week, so he seems a lot less drooly.
We had a very eventful long weekend this past weekend. Last Wed. night Cade realized he probably had a kidney stone and he did...9.5mm in length, which is huge. To make a really long story really short, he had an outpatient procedure done Fri. where they basically crush the stone into hundred of pieces so he can pass them. He was put out for the procedure so he was moving slowly for a few days, but he's doing great now. Praise God that he had minimal discomfort during all of this because it could have gotten pretty bad.
All is great at the Stockwells and hope all friends and family are doing well too!

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