Wednesday, August 15, 2007


Well, it's been forever since I've had a post because we've just been soooo busy. Last week we had 2 playdates, one on Mon. and one Fri. These can be rough as these girls are learning to share and take turns (sometimes crying and timeouts), but it's all a good things as they're learning about life! Brooklyn is now 22 mos. and Camden 3 mos. I took some pics of him last week and boy was he hamming it up. He's just so stinkin' cute! He smiles and coos a lot and enjoys looking at himself in the mirror. He also is up in the exersaucer a lot and tries not to puke when his sister spins him around. He's doing so well. Right now both the kids have some sort of cold--in the middle of the SUMMER! Camden's is worse...the poor guy has had to sleep upright in the swing and all I do is stick that bulb up his nose...lotsa snot!
Brookly is just a sponge. I'm really enjoying hearing new words from her every day and putting words together to almost make sentences. She can pretty much say her ABC's now and can count at least from 1-10, and sometimes more. I introduced her to Play-doh yesterday and I think she's still figuring it out. Also yesterday, Brooklyn got orthodics for her feet...yes people, our very own Forrest Gump. No really, she's doing well with them. When she woke up at 5am this morning that's the first thing she wanted was to put them on!
Well, I'm actually looking forward to the fall. I am going to be a part of CBS (Community Bible Study) on Thurs. and MOPS on Fri. It will be good for me and the kids to get out. Plus, I think I'm just ready to wear jeans and sweatshirts again. It's just my favorite time of year!
Well, have a great rest of the week!

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